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Hearing Aid

Hearing Aid No matter how long you’ve been living with hearing loss, deciding to wear hearing aids is a big step. That’s why StopFalls CANADA brings you the most sophisticated technology in a range of hearing solutions with price options to fit your budget, in order to make the transition as easy as possible…
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Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss Hearing loss is more common than you might think. Interestingly, due to recreational and environmental noise, hearing loss is occurring at younger ages. It is not just an age-related disability; it is affecting people at younger and younger ages. According to Statistics Canada, more than one million adults…
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Tinnitus Do you suffer from constant “ringing in the ears”? An estimated 37% of adult Canadians (9.2 million) had experienced tinnitus in the past year. It was bothersome for 7%, affecting aspects of their lives such as sleep, concentration and mood. Although men were more likely than women to have…
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Fall Prevention

Fall Prevention What does the word “fall” mean to you?Understanding exactly what a fall is, and what it means, is an important step in treating and preventing falls. Distinguishing between different situations such as falls, slips, trips, faints and stumbles is important as it leads to different treatment and prevention…
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Vertigo If you’ve ever experienced a feeling of spinning, you’ve experienced vertigo. Vertigo can have a number of underlying causes and can interfere with everyday life. At StopFalls Canada: Hearing and Balance Clinic, we are specialists in the assessment and often the treatment of balance system disorders. We can look at…
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